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Ochera anticipates a good season for KIU Titans

posted on Jan. 30, 2023, 7:32 a.m. - By Isaac Akugizibwe img

Innocent Ochera who has joined KIU Titans ahead of the new season is optimistic that the Titans will put a good run in 2023. In his first ever interview as a Titan's player,Ochera said that he feels good to have joined a great KIU Titans team. "It feels good to join a team as good and focused as KIU Titans," he noted. "I feel positive and energetic," he added. Ochera has however asked the fans not to conclude so fast for he and his other team members who have just joined the green camp have to first get along with each other before delivering the NBL title "There is alot to unveil since it’s a new family," he said. The resurgent Ochera is one of latest signing for the Titans as the 2023 NBL season draws closer. And KIU Titans is looking to win the NBL in 2023.

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